The sites in this section omit important information about the therapist or his/her services; or they appear not to be credentialed mental health professionals; or there may be unacceptable security involved. Consult the introduction for more information. Institute of Transcendant Analysis -
There is no information available to reveal the name or credentials of the therapist.
Credentials Check:
Online Interactive Counseling -
Diana DeLaney-Finch claims to be a psychologist, however the state licensing board verified that she is not a licensed psychologist in the state of Washington where she resides. Also, that photo is not of her.
Credentials Check: Credentials Check:
Sexology Net Line: Ask the "Doc" -
No information is available in advance about the person who will answer the question, although all appear to be certified sexologists.
Credentials Check:
Judith B. Waldinger -
Judith B. Waldinger. Hypnotherapist, located in Levittown, New York. Although this provider studied the practice of hypnotherapy, I saw no evidence of psychotherapy credentials. A hypnotherapist has not received training in the practice of psychotherapy, so this provider is not qualified to give professional mental health advice.
Credentials Check: