E-Therapy Clinics
E-therapy clinics have:
(1) Many therapists available on the site,
(2) thorough screening of credentials by the
e-clinic, (3) excellent security to support
the confidentiality of your online communication with your therapist. The care you receive at an e-clinic is the same as the
care you receive at a private practitioner's website.
HelpHorizons.com - http://www.helphorizons.com/
Large selection of pre-screened therapists. Excellent
security features. Use "Advanced Search"
to choose your own therapist, or "Help Match" for a random
selection. If a therapist is online you can
connect immediately. Secure web messaging
available from all therapists; live chat from some, video from a few. No state restrictions. Individual
therapists set their own rates.

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MyTherapyNet.com - http://www.mytherapynet.com/
Large selection of pre-screened therapists. Interaction
by chat: MSN messenger only. Most therapists
charge US$1.60 per minute. Unregistered visitors
can browse the full directory or search by the therapist's name only;
registered members can access advanced search. "E-mmediate Care" connects you to a therapist within
10 minutes; Microsoft Passport required (info). No state restrictions.

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Find-A-Therapist.com - http://www.find-a-therapist.com/
As of 2/7/07, around 1000 members of
this therapist referral and advertising service members provide services
online. Interaction by chat (LivePerson,
secured) or e-mail (not secured). You submit an
intake form and payment at least 24 hours in advance; you will be contacted
by a receptionist to confirm. Inquiry e-mails may
be viewed by administrators. No state restrictions. US$90 per hour chat session; US$35 per e-mail exchange. If a therapist is online you can connect immediately
after completing intake and payment.

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theCounselors.com - http://www.thecounselors.com/
As of 2/7/07, 58 therapists available. Unclear to
what extent therapists are pre-screened. Interaction
by e-mail or instant messenger (AIM, MSN or ICQ, not secured). Response in 24-72 hours. Chat:
US$30 per 20 minutes or $90 for 60 minutes. E-mail
US$30 to submit up to 200 words, US$60 to submit up to 1,000 words. Payment via PayPal. Note: when viewing the site, you may want to adjust
your browser to increase the text size.

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OnlineClinics.com - http://www.OnlineClinics.com/
This e-clinic adheres strictly to traditional rules of psychology ethics;
you can only select a therapist in your own state (confirmed with your
phone number). As of 2/7/07, 9 therapists were
listed without registering for free; the person interested must register in
order to see all the other therapists.
Rates unknown.

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