Is e-therapy right for you?
E-therapy is not appropriate for every situation.

Before you contact a therapist online, check the list below, and make sure that e-therapy is right for you.
- E-therapy is not for people who are in the midst of a serious crisis. There are other, better ways to get immediate crisis help.

- E-therapy is a new field. You must accept the risks as well as the advantages. Many people are being helped by e-therapy, but you need to know what the issues are.

- If youre going to work with a therapist by e-mail or chat, you must be comfortable writing expressively, informally, and in some detail. If you dont like to write, or if you write in 4-word chatroom phrases, look for a therapist who offers videoconferencing or Internet phone.

- You must be willing to reveal information to the therapist: about yourself, your feelings, and your identity. If you conceal important feelings or information, you will only be hurting yourself (and wasting your money). Since the therapist wont have all the usual visual clues, you must work a little harder.

- If your situation is very complex, or you have some really tough problems, e-therapy may be a short-term solution at best. If a therapist feels you need more help than they can give you, theyll tell you so, and theyll refer you to another source of help. For some people a few sessions with a therapist online are enough; but if its appropriate, and if its possible, most e-therapists would like for you to see a therapist face to face.

Check out that e-therapist>>
