I entered into unknowing
and there I remained unknowing
transcending all knowledge.
He who truly arrives there
cuts free from himself;
all that he knew before
now seems worthless,
and his knowledge so soars
that he is left in unknowing
transcending all knowledge.
The higher he ascends
the less he understands,
because the cloud is dark
which lit up the night;
whoever knows this
remains always in unknowing
transcending all knowledge.
This knowledge in unknowing
is so overwhelming
that wise men disputing
can never overthrow it, for
their knowledge does not reach
to the understanding
of not understanding,
transcending all knowledge.
St. John of the Cross: “Concerning an ecstasy experienced in high contemplation”
Here are brief samples of my writing, to give you an idea of my interests and style.
Please note that everything here is copyright. If you would like to reprint or reproduce any of these articles, please contact me for permission.
Two Miracles Named Alex
This is a story about a girl and a horse: two remarkable individuals who share the same name and a mystical connection that has inspired millions of people.
A Lesson in Perfection from Smarty Jones
In our mind’s eye, that day at Belmont, we were flying along with Smarty Jones, asking him to outrun the world’s gloomy imperfection and carry our hope beyond the limits of our humanity.
Be Still, and Know That I Am God:
Concert Halls Rediscover the Sacred
Three popular composers - Tavener, Pärt and Górecki - are reuniting classical music with contemplative spirituality.
Contemplative Spirituality: A Guide
A collection of articles, quotations, books and websites to introduce you to contemplative spirituality
God Speaks In Many Voices
Appreciating the spirituality of polyphony.
Understanding Worship in Episcopal Churches
Incense? Prayer Books? Water? Music? Silence? What’s all that about? A helpful guide for newcomers. Includes a Liturgical Lexicon of “Church Words”.
An Instructed Eucharist
A specially narrated service for new Episcopalians, to teach its meaning. A multimedia CD-ROM version will be available soon.
Communication, Control and the Church
An examination of attempts by the Church to control communication, in the Reformation and in the age of the World Wide Web.
Be Thou My Vision
A pilgrimage to Iona that didn’t work out the way I planned.
Lost among the dead
A journey through Holy Week
Christian Conflict
A guide to fighting fair in church.
Review: John Tavener’s Lamentations & Praises
John Tavener’s work, recorded by the men’s vocal ensemble Chanticleer, contemplates Christ’s death in a series of musical icons.
How To Choose a Competent Counselor
It’s easier than you think; you already have the answer within you. But watch out for what the “industry” tells you...
Suicide: Read This First
If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes.
ABC’s of Internet Therapy
Now you can meet with a psychotherapist for private counseling right from your computer. The award-winning site you’ve read about in newspapers and magazines nationwide.
An E-Patient’s Story
As I sent my e-mail, we had already had our first session, and the therapist didn’t even know it yet.
Some Thoughts On The Dynamics Of Community
Exploring the tension between the desire to be “independent” and to be “related”
A More Profound Alleluia
Music and Spirituality in the Anglican Tradition [coming soon]
Stillness in Motion
Gregorian Chant as Centering Prayer [coming soon]

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