
I am a classical choral musician. I sing with various ensembles in the New York City area.

My interest in music, spirituality and the Internet have blended into an eclectic vocation as a singer, writer, and cyberspace denizen.

My work involves facilitating conversation about spirituality in an online setting. I value compassion, tolerance, diversity, authenticity, and respecting the dignity of every human being.

My path is contemplative spirituality. I have found insight from contemplative masters like John of the Cross, Thomas Kelly, The Cloud of Unknowing, Julian of Norwich, Gerald May and John Kirvan, and in the music of composers like John Tavener and Arvo Pärt.
In the past I have worked as a musician, educator, and communicator in faith communities. I have been an online group communications consultant for the national headquarters of a major faith organization. I helped non-profit organizations with communications and web design and supported work in online counseling. I no longer do this work but the website remains available for reference.
For my MMus degree, I double-majored in conducting and sacred music with concentrations in liturgy and voice, studying with Joseph Flummerfelt, Erik Routley, James Litton, and Lindsay Christiansen. Robert Shaw significantly expanded my universe and was a huge influence on me musically and spiritually. I absorbed the Anglican choral tradition from several notable English and American choirmasters.
I grew up in California’s San Joaquin Valley—hot, dusty farmland famous for raisins, cheap wine and oranges—halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. I migrated to the New York area in 1980 for graduate school, fell in love with it and have settled here. I am a dedicated Anglophile. I love Thoroughbred horse racing, forests, cats, and fine California wines.
“To be an artist is not the privilege of a few;
it is the necessity of us all.”
Robert Shaw
Have a laugh (or two) on me.
© Copyright 1998-2005 Martha Ainsworth. All rights reserved.