Martha Ainsworth
A specialist in online communication and community since 1982, Martha Ainsworth founded Metanoia in 1990 to help dissolve barriers that keep people from getting the help they need. Metanoia currently includes three popular mental health education websites:
Metanoia is no longer actively updated. These websites remain available for reference and continued education.
As a “consumer watchdog” of “e-therapy” (psychotherapists helping people on the Internet) from 1995-2002, Ainsworth gained media attention, appearing on national television, and featured in articles in numerous major newspapers and national newsmagazines. She also co-founded a professional society formed to promote the understanding, use, and development of on-line communication, information, and technology for the international mental health community.
Ainsworth was a freelance Internet communications consultant and web developer for nonprofit organizations before joining a well known, award-winning internet media company. She also sings professionally in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Originally from California, she now resides in New Jersey.
Journalists: Click here for further information on e-therapy